Advocacy for Alameda Voters & Citizens
Leagues engage in advocacy and action on local, state, and national issues where the League has a position. A League position is established after members have studied an issue, and achieved consensus on policies and practices that best serve the public interest.
Action includes lobbying, legislative testimony, public statements, media campaigns, and joining coalitions. Local League positions are used in conjunction with positions adopted by the national and state levels of the League, and may not be in conflict with them if they are on the same subject.
Action includes lobbying, legislative testimony, public statements, media campaigns, and joining coalitions. Local League positions are used in conjunction with positions adopted by the national and state levels of the League, and may not be in conflict with them if they are on the same subject.
Vote with the League |
The League only takes a stance on ballot measures based on current League positions. Recommendations for State ballot measures are considered by the LWV of California Legislation Committee, and approved by its Board. Recommendations for County ballot measures are considered by the LWV Alameda County Council, and approved by the six local Leagues in Alameda County. Recommendations for City of Alameda ballot measures are considered by the LWV of Alameda Advocacy Committee and approved by the LWV of Alameda Board.
We'll be back in 2026 with League recommendations here!
Action |
Leagues at all levels take action on behalf of voters and citizens. Our advocacy can include lobbying, legislative testimony, public statements, writing letters to media or legislators, holding press conferences, speaking at hearings and public meetings, adding our voice to a ballot measure campaign, joining coalitions or sending action alerts to our members. Taking action is always based on current program positions and/or on League Principles.
At the State level, potential action on legislation and ballot measures will be considered by the LWV of California's Legislation Committee. This committee can take action on bills for the state League, and it makes recommendations to its Board for action on ballot measures. |
At the Local level, the LWV Alameda's Advocacy Committee follows local governing bodies to advocate and lobby for League policy positions. During elections, the Advocacy Committee participates in analyzing local measures and making recommendations its Board for the League’s position on selected issues. Throughout the year, the Advocacy Committee concentrates on proposals and decisions of local boards and commissions and alerts its Board for possible action when a proposal relates to a League position. Additionally, the Advocacy Committee identifies selected issues of high interest to the LWV of Alameda to work on throughout the year.
Program - Key IssuesAlameda City Hall by Sanfranman59 licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
Every cycle, members of the League of Women Voters determine the issues most important to focus their time, energy, and money upon. This is our annual program planning process.
LWV of Alameda has a one-year cycle, and our current Program (i.e. key issues) for FY 2024-2025 includes the following:
Review the National LWV Program (2024-2026), the State of California LWVC Program (2023-2025), and the Bay Area ILO Program (2024-2026). |
Positions |
A League position is the stand of the League on a public issue. It serves as the basis for advocacy or action. A League position is established after members have studied an issue and achieved consensus on policies and practices that best serve the public interest. Local League positions are used in conjunction with positions adopted by the national and state levels of League and may not be in conflict with them, if they are on the same subject.
Here are the positions from all levels of the League of Women Voters:
Local Positions
Local Positions League of Women Voters of Alameda
City Charter (1978, 2016)
The League of Women Voters of Alameda (LWVA) supports measures providing simplicity and transparency in the City Charter through clarification of meaning and elimination of obsolete or inapplicable provisions.
The League of Women Voters of Alameda (LWVA) supports measures that protect the resilience of Alameda's residents and businesses through disaster mitigation, training, response and recovery.
The City's disaster preparedness plan should clearly define the roles and responsibilities of public officials, employees, public and private agencies, organizations, utilities, and other entities related to public health and safety and social services.
ELECTIONS (1985, 1998, 2016)
The League of Women Voters of Alameda (LWVA) supports the adoption of a Fair Campaign Practices Code by the City Council for the local election of Public Officials with the goal of ensuring greater transparency of donations and spending.
Local special elections should be held by mail ballot with return postage provided. Adequate time should be allowed for voters to become informed about the election and to return the mail ballot. Procedures should be instituted to ensure widespread publicity and effective distribution of the ballots.
LAND USE (1974, 2016, 2017)
The League of Women Voters of Alameda (LWVA) supports land use policies and revisions of the General Plan that are designed to:
I. Advance the general welfare of the residents of Alameda in such areas as housing, public and social services, noise and odor control, beautification, and commercial and industrial development.
II. Improve existing traffic patterns, including public transportation and access to BART. Alternatives to increased auto usage, such as bike paths, walkways, and use of waterways should be actively pursued.
III. Promote light industrial and commercial development using all available means engendered in state law. Existing commercial areas should be upgraded and rehabilitated.
IV. Implement existing conservation and open space elements of the General Plan. The City has the responsibility to ensure that the existing shoreline is developed and access maintained for public use.
V. Ensure that periodic reviews of the General Plan and its related elements incorporate comprehensive community input, including public hearings and posting of proposed changes in public media at the pre-draft, draft and adoption stages.
VI. Express land use policies clearly, with concrete goals and objectives that adequately reflect cost considerations, environmental factors and citizen input.
HOUSING and TRANSPORTATION (1989, 2005, 2016, 2018)
The League of Women Voters of Alameda (LWVA) supports City housing and transportation policies that:
I. Fulfill Alameda’s needs for housing at all economic and mobility levels. New developments should have a variety of densities and amenities including universal design standards that will support continuation of the quality of life now enjoyed in Alameda.
II. Provide maximum feasible open space, defined as sufficient communal green space, walking paths, playgrounds, tot-lots, and other naturally landscaped areas to encourage and enhance livability and strong community identity.
III. Meet or exceed current standards for energy efficiency. All designs should show consideration for minimum negative impact on air, water, and surrounding natural environment.
IV. Provide an appropriate number of off-street parking spaces for each type of housing in the mix.
V. Maximize the use of public, accessible, and alternative modes of transportation in order to maintain livability and decrease traffic.
VI. Ensure the safety of entrances and exits to housing developments, schools, business and shopping areas.
LIBRARY (1991, 2016)
The League of Women Voters of Alameda (LWVA) supports a public library system that meets the diverse needs of all Alamedans. Funding for the Alameda Free Library should be increased. If the Library receives additional funds through taxes, bond measures or grants/gifts, General funds should not be reduced. Hours of service for the Main and neighborhood libraries should be increased, including weekend and evening hours, as well as space for library functions. Library resources should reflect changing uses and technologies, with an emphasis on popular materials, reference, and children's sections. LWVA urges the City Council to approve the Library Strategic Plan, including its mission and goals, and to support a viable library system in Alameda.
The League of Women Voters of Alameda (LWVA) supports measures providing simplicity and transparency in the City Charter through clarification of meaning and elimination of obsolete or inapplicable provisions.
The League of Women Voters of Alameda (LWVA) supports measures that protect the resilience of Alameda's residents and businesses through disaster mitigation, training, response and recovery.
The City's disaster preparedness plan should clearly define the roles and responsibilities of public officials, employees, public and private agencies, organizations, utilities, and other entities related to public health and safety and social services.
ELECTIONS (1985, 1998, 2016)
The League of Women Voters of Alameda (LWVA) supports the adoption of a Fair Campaign Practices Code by the City Council for the local election of Public Officials with the goal of ensuring greater transparency of donations and spending.
Local special elections should be held by mail ballot with return postage provided. Adequate time should be allowed for voters to become informed about the election and to return the mail ballot. Procedures should be instituted to ensure widespread publicity and effective distribution of the ballots.
LAND USE (1974, 2016, 2017)
The League of Women Voters of Alameda (LWVA) supports land use policies and revisions of the General Plan that are designed to:
I. Advance the general welfare of the residents of Alameda in such areas as housing, public and social services, noise and odor control, beautification, and commercial and industrial development.
II. Improve existing traffic patterns, including public transportation and access to BART. Alternatives to increased auto usage, such as bike paths, walkways, and use of waterways should be actively pursued.
III. Promote light industrial and commercial development using all available means engendered in state law. Existing commercial areas should be upgraded and rehabilitated.
IV. Implement existing conservation and open space elements of the General Plan. The City has the responsibility to ensure that the existing shoreline is developed and access maintained for public use.
V. Ensure that periodic reviews of the General Plan and its related elements incorporate comprehensive community input, including public hearings and posting of proposed changes in public media at the pre-draft, draft and adoption stages.
VI. Express land use policies clearly, with concrete goals and objectives that adequately reflect cost considerations, environmental factors and citizen input.
HOUSING and TRANSPORTATION (1989, 2005, 2016, 2018)
The League of Women Voters of Alameda (LWVA) supports City housing and transportation policies that:
I. Fulfill Alameda’s needs for housing at all economic and mobility levels. New developments should have a variety of densities and amenities including universal design standards that will support continuation of the quality of life now enjoyed in Alameda.
II. Provide maximum feasible open space, defined as sufficient communal green space, walking paths, playgrounds, tot-lots, and other naturally landscaped areas to encourage and enhance livability and strong community identity.
III. Meet or exceed current standards for energy efficiency. All designs should show consideration for minimum negative impact on air, water, and surrounding natural environment.
IV. Provide an appropriate number of off-street parking spaces for each type of housing in the mix.
V. Maximize the use of public, accessible, and alternative modes of transportation in order to maintain livability and decrease traffic.
VI. Ensure the safety of entrances and exits to housing developments, schools, business and shopping areas.
LIBRARY (1991, 2016)
The League of Women Voters of Alameda (LWVA) supports a public library system that meets the diverse needs of all Alamedans. Funding for the Alameda Free Library should be increased. If the Library receives additional funds through taxes, bond measures or grants/gifts, General funds should not be reduced. Hours of service for the Main and neighborhood libraries should be increased, including weekend and evening hours, as well as space for library functions. Library resources should reflect changing uses and technologies, with an emphasis on popular materials, reference, and children's sections. LWVA urges the City Council to approve the Library Strategic Plan, including its mission and goals, and to support a viable library system in Alameda.