Donate to Promote Democracy & Educate Voters
The LWV of Alameda is a historic, trusted nonprofit located in Alameda, California. As such, our mission is to encourage the informed and active participation of citizens in government and to influence public policy through education and advocacy. Striving to achieve this, we at the LWV of Alameda:
Your donation will support us to carry out these actions, which promote and preserve our precious democratic institutions.
We are all unpaid volunteers, and we put back donations to the LWV of Alameda into the cost of our events, programs, and civic scholarships for high school students.
Together, we can inform and register voters, fill the need for youth civics education, and ensure that our local government practices good governance principles. Democracy is not a spectator sport. Will you help?
- Host events such as forums and voter registration drives.
- Educate voters on specific candidates, ballot measures, and local campaign finance matters.
- Promote civics for high school students through our youth outreach program.
- Advocate for good (i.e. transparent, responsible, accountable, responsive) governance by local officials.
Your donation will support us to carry out these actions, which promote and preserve our precious democratic institutions.
We are all unpaid volunteers, and we put back donations to the LWV of Alameda into the cost of our events, programs, and civic scholarships for high school students.
Together, we can inform and register voters, fill the need for youth civics education, and ensure that our local government practices good governance principles. Democracy is not a spectator sport. Will you help?
Why Donate? What About Membership Fees?
Our membership fees alone do not sustain our community activities here in Alameda.
When a member buys a $75 individual membership to the League of Women Voters of Alameda, $24.75 goes to the National League, $35.25 to the State League, and $2.50 to the Bay Area League. Fees paid to these other Leagues supports "Get Out the Vote" and voter advocacy efforts on the National, State, and Bay Area levels.
This leaves only $12.50 for the League of Women Voters of Alameda.
This is why we are dependent on donations to sustain our voter services and continue forums that apprise our Alameda community about relevant legislation and issues. An informed electorate is necessary for a democratic society to thrive.
When a member buys a $75 individual membership to the League of Women Voters of Alameda, $24.75 goes to the National League, $35.25 to the State League, and $2.50 to the Bay Area League. Fees paid to these other Leagues supports "Get Out the Vote" and voter advocacy efforts on the National, State, and Bay Area levels.
This leaves only $12.50 for the League of Women Voters of Alameda.
This is why we are dependent on donations to sustain our voter services and continue forums that apprise our Alameda community about relevant legislation and issues. An informed electorate is necessary for a democratic society to thrive.
Another Reason to Donate - It is Tax Deductible
The League of Women Voters of Alameda is a 501(c) (3) organization, so your donation is tax deductible.
Yet Another Reason to Donate - Our Finances are Transparent
We are listed on GuideStar, the largest source of information about nonprofit organizations, and we have earned its Gold Seal of Transparency.
Questions about our finances? Please contact [email protected]. |
How Can I Donate?
You may donate to the League of Women Voters of Alameda by check or online.
- Make a check payable to the LWVA, and mail it to us at P.O. Box 1645, Alameda, CA 94501.
- Make a one-time donation online to us at our PayPal Giving Fund site.
- Make a recurring, monthly donation online to us at our PayPal site.